Still Photography
Specializing in Head Shots and Organic Food Beauty Photography
Head Shots
For me, it’s all about coaching. Many photographers are technically sound – they can set up the proper lighting and dial in the right exposure – but what separates a good picture from a great photograph is capturing the essence of the person.
I take the time with each client to coach them on how to look while in front of the camera. We focus on the eyes, the mouth, and the positioning of the head relative to the camera. We edit as we go – taking some photographs and studying the results so we can make adjustments during the session. The goal is to make viewers feel something from looking at your photograph – to have the image convey your personality.

We Eat With Our Eyes
Organic Food Beauty Photography
At Render Edge Media we are experts in organic food beauty photography and styling. This is the art of photographing food as prepared by the chef without introducing anything artificial or using any substitutions. We know how to position food and how to light it to make the food very appealing.
Measurable Results
At Cornell University, food sales increased 100% for the majority of their items after our food beauty shots were added to their digital menu boards.