Scott Sigler ANCESTOR Book Reading in Cambridge, MA

I finally got the chance to meet the Future Dark Overload (FDO) himself, Scott Sigler (, in person at Pandemonium Books & Games ( on Wednesday, June 23rd, 2010, where he was doing a reading from his latest novel, ANCESTOR. I video taped the event and posted it on YouTube.
There are several video segments to view. All tolled, the reading and question & answer session lasted almost 70 minutes. This meant chopping the video up into 10-minute chunks to adhere to the YouTube time constraints. After producing the seven (7) segment project, I realized that not everyone may want to sit through the whole thing, so I edited the event down to 10 minutes. This summary video contains a condensed version of the reading and the signing, but none of the question and answer period.
For the intro and outro, I used the pre- and post-roll video Scott Sigler produced for the ANCESTOR video contest ( The challenge was to modify the video to remove the references to the contest and insert text referencing the book tour. I pulled the footage into After Effects and overlayed the new text to cover the original text. It’s not nearly as clean as the original, but it’s only on screen for a short time so I think it works quite well.

I did have moments of trepidation as I edited Scott’s reading. I kept thinking that he might not approve of what I kept in the video — that he would have edited it differently based on his desire to communicate certain things to the viewer. I hope Scott approves!
The final bonus of the evening was having Scott sign my copies of ANCESTOR — both my new one and the original published in soft cover many years ago by Dragon Moon Press ( After the reading, everyone headed over to Tommy Doyles in Cambridge ( for beers.